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Future Simple

Future Simple

By Mr. Seng Muny

In this lesson, you will learn:




Time markers and denoting phrases 


I will send you the money tomorrow no later than 2 in the afternoon.

I think it will not rain tomorrow. 

I am sure that she will come to get her iPad today.

‘Would you like to see a movie tonight?’ ‘Ok, I will go with you.’

I’ll help you with your homework.

I will love you forever. 


Positive: Subject + will + V base + … .

Negative: Subject + will + not + V base + … .

Questions: (Wh-) will + subject + V base + … ?

Yes, subject + will.

No, subject + will not. 

Note: will => ’ll will not => won’t


Future predictions (what you think/believe will happen)

I think it will not rain tomorrow. 

I am sure that she will come to get her iPad today.

Immediate decisions or responses 

‘Would you like to see a movie tonight?’ ‘Ok, I will go with you.’

Offer to do something

I’ll help talk to your mom. Don’t worry


I will send you the money tomorrow no later than 2 in the afternoon.

I will love you forever. 

Time Markers And Denoting Phrases 

Tomorrow, soon, tonight, next week/month/year/…, …

I think, I hope, I believe, I am sure, I suppose, perhaps, maybe, …

Thank you. Drop me your questions, and I will try to look for answers for you.

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