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Past Continuous

Past Continuous

By Mr. Seng Muny

In this lesson, you will learn:





Thida was cooking when we called her. 

At 3 o’clock yesterday, I was waiting for my turn for the vaccine.

Some students were talking while the teacher was explaining.

I didn’t hear the knock. I was taking a shower. 


Positive: Subject + was/were + V-ing + ….

Negative: Subject + was/were + not + V-ing + ….

Questions: (Wh-) was/were + subject + V-ing + …?

Yes, subject + was/were.

No, subject + was/were not. 

Note: was not => was not were not => were not

V-ing : Present Participle

*Please referee to Present Continuous lesson


Actions happening at a specific time in the past

At two yesterday, I was driving to get my vaccine against Covid.

She was having lunch at 11:45 yesterday. 

Two actions happening at the same time in the past

While the doctor was giving the instructions, everyone was listening attentively. 

The mother was cooking while the father was teaching their kids how to read.

Interrupted actions in the past by a past simple actions

Yesterday the phone rang while we were watching a movie in the living room.

Thank you. Drop me your questions, and I will try to look for answers for you.

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