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Present Perfect Continuous

 Present Perfect Continuous

By Mr. Seng Muny


Tola has been waiting for his girlfriend for two hours.

They have been playing football since 8 o’clock.


Positive:         Subject + have/has + been + V-ing + …. .

Negative: Subject + have/has + not + been + V-ing + …. .

Questions: (Wh-) + have/ has + subject + been + V-ing + …. .


To talk about an ongoing state of actions which began in the past and is still continuing or has just finished. 

  1. We have been watching this YouTube lesson for 5 minutes.
  2. He has been laughing at me for no reason.
  3. The doctors have been working in the emergency room for seven hours.
  4. His hair is messy and his clothes are dirty. He has been fixing his motorcycle. 

Time Markers

for, since, how long, recently, lately

Thank you. Drop me your questions, and I will try to look for answers for you.

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