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Compound Sentences

Compound Sentences


Compound sentences have two or more subject-verb pairs joint by a coordinating conjunction.


  1. I am short, but I don’t care about it.
  2. She has good parents, so she must be happy.
  3. Sokha is beautiful, and she is smart.
  4. She can do it here, or she can take and do it at home. 


Simple sentence + , + conj. + simple sentence

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (fan boys)

  • sv + , + but + sv
  • sv + ,  + so + sv
  • sv + , + and + sv
  • sv + , + or + svv 

Meaning of Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. But: opposite idea
  2. So: result or effect
  3. And: similar idea
  4. Or: choice or alternative 
  5. For: reason
  6. Yet: strongly opposite idea
  7. Nor: a different negative idea

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