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Transitive Verbs

Transitive Verbs


Part 1: Three sub-types of transitive verbs

Monotransitive verbs: 

Monotransitive verbs are transitive verbs that have only one object. That object is a a direct object. Direct objects are objects that receive the action from verbs directly. 

  • I need a very long red pen.

  • Tola and I like green apples and blueberries.

  • He bought a pen, two pencils, and a ruler.

  • He sold a car and bought a new motorbike.

Ditransitive Verbs:

Distransitive verbs have two objects. One of them is a direct object, and the other one is a indirect object.  with ‘to’ or ‘for’

  1. My wife has just bought me computer

  1. Can you give Thida and Linda this laptop?

Analyze and draw diagram for each sentence [See the video lesson for the analyzing part]

  • Tola and Thida study in the same class.

  • Tola, Vichea and Vibol are not here today.

  • Vibol studies at a private university and works at home.

  • Sokha and her team make calls and receive calls.

  • They have received complaint, complements, and tips.

  • We needs some apples for our kids at home. 

Part 2: Three sub-types of transitive verbs


Complex-transitive verbs are transitive verbs that have two objects. One of the object is a direct object. However, unlike ditransitive verbs, the other object of complex-transitive verbs is a object complement


Everyone calls my supervisor Boss

We must not make those tigers angry

Monotransitive Verbs, Ditransitive Verbs, or Complex-transitive Verbs

Mono: I like grammar.

Di: He has just given me the book.

Com: They elected Biden the President. 

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