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Bac II English 2015 Correction

 Bac II English 2015 Correction

I.          Reading (10 marks)

Read the text and fill the gaps with the words in the box. Gap one has been done as an example.

( ) disease        (1) doctor        ( ) heartened                ( ) optimistic   ( ) infectious        ( ) painful

( ) recovery     ( ) month         ( ) treatment                ( ) poisonous               ( ) weight


A Visit To The Doctor’s

            Kimseng decided to visit the (1)…doctor… after his trip to the jungle. He was normally a tall muscular person, but over the past (2) ……… he had lost a lot of (3) ……… . He had also noticed that his ankles and knees had become rather (4) ………. He thought that he might have eaten or drunk something (5)……… or some kind of (6) ………disease. The doctor took some blood for tests and told Kimseng to go back a week later. This time the doctor had an (7) ……… expression on her face, and Kimseng felt quite (8) ……… . “Don’t worry” said the doctor, “It’s nothing serious. You haven’t caught an incurable (9) ………, or anything terrible like that. It’s a simple virus, and you will need some (10)……… . Take these tablets twice a day for two weeks, and you’ll make a full (11) ………”

II.          Grammar (15 marks) There are four answers after each statement. Only one answer is correct. Choose the correct letter a, b, c and d. The first one was done as an example for you.

Example: We saw ……………d…………… children in the park.

a-any                           b-much                        c-a                               d-some

1.     Angkor Wat temple ……………………. by thousands of tourists every month.

                 a-was visited               b-visited                      c-are visited                d-is visited

2.     Mr. Sophal can’t talk on the phone because he …………. dinner.

                 a-eats                          b-is eating                   c-has eaten                  d-has been eating

3.     I  ……………………………… the house before you called.

                 a-leave                        b-had left                    c-I am leaving             d-had been leaving

4.     If I found a wallet on the street, I …………………… it to police station.

                 a-will take                   b-take                         c-would take               d-am taking

5.     The tree, ………….. behind my house, gives a lot of shade.

                 a-grows                       b-which it grows         c-which grows             d-it grows

III.           Vocabulary (15 marks)

There are four answers after each statement. Only one answer is correct. Choose the correct letter a, b, c and d. The first one was done as an example for you.

       Example: How … b … is it from here to the centre?

a-     long                           b-far                            c-near                          d-distant

1.     How much do they ………….. for cleaning your room?

a-     demand                      b-cost                          c-charge                      d-need

2.     In some countries, smoking in public places is … Because many people are hurt from smoke.

a-     prohibited                  b-increased                 c-encourage                d-continued

3.     The government should ……………. a law to make computer hacking illegal.

a-     allow                          b-enter                        c-pass                          d-bring

4.     The bad weather ……………….. the flight for several hours.

a-     postponed                  b-delayed                    c-cancelled                 d-stopped

5.     In recent years inflation has almost double the ………………….. of living.

a-     price                           b-expense                    c-charge                      d-cost

IV.           Writing.

Write an essay “What makes a good parent” at least 180 words.

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