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101 basic English words for young learners

 Here are 101 basic English words for young learners

  1. Hello

    • Example: "Hello, how are you?"
    • Example: "Say hello to your friend."
  2. Goodbye

    • Example: "It's time to say goodbye."
    • Example: "Say goodbye to your grandparents."
  3. Yes

    • Example: "Is it raining? Yes, it is."
    • Example: "Do you want ice cream? Yes, please."
  4. No

    • Example: "Is the sun blue? No, it's yellow."
    • Example: "Do you like broccoli? No, I don't."
  5. Please

    • Example: "Can I have some water, please?"
    • Example: "Please, pass me the crayons."
  6. Thank you

    • Example: "Thank you for the gift."
    • Example: "Say thank you to your teacher."
  7. Sorry

    • Example: "I'm sorry for breaking your toy."
    • Example: "Say sorry to your friend."
  8. Excuse me

    • Example: "Excuse me, may I ask a question?"
    • Example: "Excuse me, I need to pass."
  9. Hi

    • Example: "Hi, how was your day?"
    • Example: "Say hi to your sister."
  10. Bye

    • Example: "It's time to go, say bye."
    • Example: "Wave bye to your friend."
  11. Friend

    • Example: "She is my best friend."
    • Example: "Make friends at the new school."
  12. Family

    • Example: "We are a happy family."
    • Example: "Family dinner is important."
  13. Mother

    • Example: "My mother cooks delicious food."
    • Example: "Mother, I love you."
  14. Father

    • Example: "Father helps with my homework."
    • Example: "Happy Father's Day!"
  15. Brother

    • Example: "My brother and I play games."
    • Example: "Ask your brother for help."
  16. Sister

    • Example: "My sister likes to draw."
    • Example: "Help your sister with her homework."
  17. Baby

    • Example: "The baby is sleeping."
    • Example: "Look at the cute baby."
  18. Boy

    • Example: "The boy is playing with a ball."
    • Example: "Every boy likes superheroes."
  19. Girl

    • Example: "The girl is reading a book."
    • Example: "Girls can be doctors too."
  20. Man

    • Example: "The man is riding a bike."
    • Example: "Dad is a grown-up man."
  21. Woman

    • Example: "The woman is gardening."
    • Example: "Mom is a grown-up woman."
  22. Teacher

    • Example: "The teacher teaches us math."
    • Example: "Thank your teacher for the lesson."
  23. Student

    • Example: "I am a student in class."
    • Example: "Students learn new things."
  24. School

    • Example: "We go to school every day."
    • Example: "School is a place to learn."
  25. Book

    • Example: "Read a book before bedtime."
    • Example: "Choose a book at the library."
  26. Pen

    • Example: "Write with a blue pen."
    • Example: "I need a red pen."
  27. Pencil

    • Example: "Draw with a yellow pencil."
    • Example: "Sharpen your pencil."
  28. Paper

    • Example: "Fold the paper into a boat."
    • Example: "Write your name on the paper."
  29. Bag

    • Example: "Put your lunch in the bag."
    • Example: "The red bag is mine."
  30. Chair

    • Example: "Sit on the chair."
    • Example: "The chair is for you."
  31. Table

    • Example: "Eat at the table."
    • Example: "Draw on the table."
  32. Room

    • Example: "This is my room."
    • Example: "Clean your room."
  33. House

    • Example: "We live in a big house."
    • Example: "Go inside the house."
  34. Car

    • Example: "The car goes vroom."
    • Example: "Look at the blue car."
  35. Bus

    • Example: "Take the bus to school."
    • Example: "The yellow bus is here."
  36. Train

    • Example: "The train goes choo-choo."
    • Example: "Ride the train at the park."
  37. Bicycle

    • Example: "Ride your bicycle in the park."
    • Example: "The bicycle has two wheels."
  38. Dog

    • Example: "The dog barks."
    • Example: "My dog is brown."
  39. Cat

    • Example: "The cat purrs."
    • Example: "Her cat likes to play."
  40. Bird

    • Example: "Birds sing in the morning."
    • Example: "Look at the colorful bird."
  41. Fish

    • Example: "Fish swim in water."
    • Example: "We have a pet fish."
  42. Elephant

    • Example: "Elephants have big ears."
    • Example: "The elephant is gray."
  43. Lion

    • Example: "Lions roar loudly."
    • Example: "Lions are kings of the jungle."
  44. Monkey

    • Example: "Monkeys swing on trees."
    • Example: "The monkey is eating a banana."
  45. Tree

    • Example: "Climb the tree carefully."
    • Example: "Look at the tall tree."
  46. Flower

    • Example: "The flower smells nice."
    • Example: "Pick a colorful flower."
  47. Sun

    • Example: "The sun shines brightly."
    • Example: "The sun gives us light."
  48. Moon

    • Example: "The moon is in the night sky."
    • Example: "The moon is round."
  49. Star

    • Example: "Stars twinkle in the sky."
    • Example: "Make a wish on a star."
  50. Sky

    • Example: "The sky is blue."
    • Example: "Look at the clouds in the sky."
  51. Rain

    • Example: "Raindrops fall from the sky."
    • Example: "Wear a raincoat in the rain."
  52. Snow

    • Example: "Snowflakes are white and cold."
    • Example: "Play in the snow."
  53. Wind

    • Example: "Feel the wind on your face."
    • Example: "The wind blows the leaves."
  54. Hot

    • Example: "Soup is hot."
    • Example: "The sun makes it hot outside."
  55. Cold

    • Example: "Ice cream is cold."
    • Example: "Winter days are cold."
  56. Water

    • Example: "Drink water to stay healthy."
    • Example: "Fish live in water."
  57. Milk

    • Example: "Drink your milk for strong bones."
    • Example: "Cereal with milk is tasty."
  58. Juice

    • Example: "Orange juice is sweet."
    • Example: "Pour yourself a glass of juice."
  59. Food

    • Example: "Eat healthy food."
    • Example: "Mom cooks delicious food."
  60. Eat

    • Example: "Don't forget to eat your vegetables."
    • Example: "Eat slowly and enjoy your meal."
  61. Drink

    • Example: "Drink water after playing."
    • Example: "You can drink juice with breakfast."
  62. Sleep

    • Example: "It's time to sleep."
    • Example: "Sleep helps you grow."
  63. Wake up

    • Example: "Wake up early for school."
    • Example: "The alarm clock helps you wake up."
  64. Run

    • Example: "Run fast in a race."
    • Example: "Let's run around the park."
  65. Jump

    • Example: "Jump over the rope."
    • Example: "Frogs can jump high."
  66. Play

    • Example: "Play with your toys."
    • Example: "Let's play hide-and-seek."
  67. Happy

    • Example: "Birthday parties make me happy."
    • Example: "Seeing friends makes me happy."
  68. Sad

    • Example: "Crying when you're sad is okay."
    • Example: "Hug someone when they are sad."
  69. Angry

    • Example: "Take deep breaths when you're angry."
    • Example: "It's okay to talk about why you're angry."
  70. Scared

    • Example: "Hold someone's hand when you're scared."
    • Example: "A nightlight can help if you're scared of the dark."
  71. Surprised

    • Example: "Opening a gift can be a surprise."
    • Example: "Surprised faces are funny."
  72. Colors (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, etc.)

    • Example: "Apples are red."
    • Example: "The sky is blue."
  73. Numbers (One, Two, Three, Four, Five, etc.)

    • Example: "I have two toys."
    • Example: "Count to five with me."
  74. Shapes (Circle, Square, Triangle, etc.)

    • Example: "The sun is a circle."
    • Example: "Cut the paper into a triangle."
  75. Big

    • Example: "Elephants are big animals."
    • Example: "Buildings can be big."
  76. Small

    • Example: "Ladybugs are small insects."
    • Example: "A small present can be special."
  77. Tall

    • Example: "The giraffe is tall."
    • Example: "Dad is taller than Mom."
  78. Short

    • Example: "Rabbits have short tails."
    • Example: "The table is short."
  79. Long

    • Example: "Snakes have long bodies."
    • Example: "The road is long."
  80. Short

    • Example: "Rabbits have short tails."
    • Example: "The table is short."
  81. Fast

    • Example: "Cars can go fast."
    • Example: "Run as fast as you can."
  82. Slow

    • Example: "Turtles move slow."
    • Example: "Walk slow in the park."
  83. Open

    • Example: "Open the door."
    • Example: "Is the store open?"
  84. Close

    • Example: "Close the window."
    • Example: "The restaurant is close."
  85. In

    • Example: "The toys are in the box."
    • Example: "Sit in the car."
  86. Out

    • Example: "Go out to play."
    • Example: "Jump out of bed."
  87. Up

    • Example: "Look up at the sky."
    • Example: "Climb up the stairs."
  88. Down

    • Example: "Walk down the hill."
    • Example: "Put the toy down."
  89. On

    • Example: "The book is on the table."
    • Example: "The cat is on the chair."
  90. Under

    • Example: "Find the ball under the bed."
    • Example: "The fish swim under the water."
  91. Behind

    • Example: "Hide behind the tree."
    • Example: "Your friend is behind you."
  92. In front of

    • Example: "Stand in front of the door."
    • Example: "The playground is in front of the school."
  93. Next to

    • Example: "Sit next to your friend."
    • Example: "The store is next to the library."
  94. Between

    • Example: "The sandwich is between the apples."
    • Example: "Stand between your two friends."
  95. Beside

    • Example: "The cat sleeps beside the dog."
    • Example: "Put your backpack beside the desk."
  96. First

    • Example: "Finish your first puzzle."
    • Example: "Be the first to line up."
  97. Last

    • Example: "You are the last in line."
    • Example: "Finish your food last."
  98. New

    • Example: "The toy is new."
    • Example: "A new friend is joining us."
  99. Old

    • Example: "Grandma has an old photo."
    • Example: "The house is old."
  100. Good - Example: "You did a good job." - Example: "Good friends share."

  101. Bad - Example: "It's bad to lie

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