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Passive Voice: Basic Structure

Passive Voice: Basic Structure


Passive or passive voice sentences are sentences whose subjects receive actions from the verb. In active voice, subject does the action. 


Active: He invited them. 
Passive: They were invited by him. 


In active voice, he is the subject and does the action 'invited', and them receives the action, invited. 
In passive voice, they is the subject but receives the action 'invited', and 'by him' is the doer. 

See the video for more explanation.

Passive with Must for Necessity

Active Voice 

  1. Tola cut a tree yesterday.
  2. We eat apples every day.
  3. They can meet us tomorrow. 
  4. We must help that baby. 

Passive Voice

  1. A tree was cut yesterday by Tola. 
  2. Apples are eaten by us every day. 
  3. We can be met by them tomorrow. 
  4. That baby must be helped by us. 

Active voice

She needs two apples.                            Subject + V [t] + object.

Passive voice

Two apples are needed by her.                Subject + be + V p.p. + by + object. 

Practice: Make the following sentences passive.

  •     She must buy that pen. 
  •     That pen must be bought by her.

See the video below for explanation in Khmer.

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